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Open Road

Leeftijd icoon
50 - 85 years (M/F)
Diagnose icoon
Dementia due to Alzheimer's disease
Duratie onderzoek
2 years
Locatie icoon

About this research

In order to participate in this study, you must be able to speak and read Dutch fluently.

An open-label, multicenter, follow-up study to evaluate the safety and tolerability of long-term administration of Gantenerumab in subjects with Alzheimer’s disease.

The study is an open-label extension of the Marguerite Road and Scarlet Road study. This study is therefore only accessible to participants who participated in these studies. This study aims to evaluate both the positive effects and side effects of long-term use of gantenerumab on the subject and their memory problems. The study drug is administered by subcutaneous IV.

You and your research partner will come to the research center a maximum of about 27 times, during about 108 weeks. Each study visit lasts approximately one to three hours, depending on the procedures performed during that visit.

The research is carried out at Brain Research Center Amsterdam.

This study is commissioned by Roche.

This text has been directly translated from the Dutch trial description as approved by the Ethical Committee.

Screening – Selection

There is no selection period for this research.


Treatment takes place every 4 weeks. During these visits, various investigations and procedures take place, such as for example; physical and neurological examination, blood tests, questionnaires, memory tests, as well as ECGs and MRI scans. The duration of treatment is 104 weeks.


After completing the treatment phase, participants will return to the center one more time for follow-up. During these visits, questionnaires and tests will be taken for your memory, among other things. Blood tests and physical and neurological examinations will be done.

Who can participate?

  • You have a diagnosis of dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease.
  • You participated in the Marguerite or the Scarlet Road.
  • You have someone close to you/a caregiver who can accompany you during the visits to the research center and answer questions about your health and functioning.

Take action against Alzheimer’s. Sign up to participate.

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