Collaboration is key

We cannot do research into new drugs against Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases alone. Our partners play an important role in this. We believe that we will arrive at the solution faster through cooperation.

Our partners

Amsterdam UMC

Brain Research Center works closely with Alzheimercentrum Amsterdam, Amsterdam Neuroscience, and Amsterdam UMC, the largest academic hospital in the Netherlands. Together we look for solutions for brain diseases, each from their own focus and expertise. Together we stand stronger.

Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis

Brain Research Center works closely with the Jeroen Bosch Hospital. This hospital strives for high-quality patient care, in which training and research are also core tasks.


Brain Research Center works closely with Isala. Isala is one hospital organization with five locations in Zwolle, Meppel, Steenwijk, Kampen and Heerde. Together they guarantee the supply of basic and top care in Southwest Drenthe and Northwest Overijssel.

Alzheimer Nederland

Brain Research Center works closely with Alzheimer Nederland. Together we try to create a future without Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer Nederland helps the Brain Research Center by raising awareness of clinical drug research and by sharing their extensive and in-depth knowledge and experiences with us.

MRI Centrum

MRI research plays an important role in drug development, neurological and psychological trials, and other scientific research. The MRI Center has been a valued partner of the Brain Research Center for years and carries out various MRI studies for our clinical trials.

Amsterdam Neuroscience

The mission of the Amsterdam Neurosciences is clear: to improve the understanding of the human brain and nervous system in health and disease by conducting integrated basic, translational and clinical research.